Thursday, January 1, 2015


Well...I swore I would never do it!!
Too techie...too time consuming...nothing interesting to say...
The list of excuses went on and on...
but guess what??
I ran out of excuses and decided to take the plunge into the tech savvy world of blogging!!
How 2010 of me!!

Well...I DID create a blog with the intention of regularly keeping up on it and using it to record the crazy moments of our life...
Of course about three minutes after I signed up and wrote my first post...I completely forgot my address and where I had put the completely!!
I knew I had a blog out there...somewhere...but since I hadn't written anything down and currently my brain is more release than capture...I hadn't been back!!!

But guess what???

After a much needed kick in the butt to get my feet wet in this age of technology.....I'm baaaaaaaaaack!!!  
I even added an old school touch and actually WROTE down my address on a piece of paper so I can come back and continue with my original thought of documenting our lives!

I admit...I am a terrible blogger but's a new year ahead!! A clean slate...and a resolution to be better!!
A better mom...
A better friend...
A better listener...
a better scrapper...
a better rider...
A better blogger...
Kim...version 2.0!!!!

Luckily, it's a day at a time!!!

For today...
I'm gonna take a moment to reflect on 2014...
maybe jot down some of the highlites that come to mind...
maybe scrap a page...or two!! *wink*
I know my list of things I'm grateful for is lengthy but I thought I'd share a few.

Top of my list is of course my girls. They definitely keep life interesting and I honestly don't know what I would do without them. They really are the center of my world and I wouldn't have it any other way!! We were lucky enough to share some amazing adventures this year and I can't wait to see what new adventures are in store for us!!

My family rawks!!!
And they are there for me...
whether I want them there or not!!! LOL!!!
I am terrible at asking for help but they understand me and seem to know when I need them to barge in and when I need them to back off and give me space.

I am blessed with friends that not only get my wonky sense of humour but love me in spite of it!!! I am a terrible pain in the butt at times but I am so lucky to have friends that not only put up with me during those times but hang around to share in some of the crazy trouble I talk them into doing with me!! I am the luckiest girl!!

And I'm super lucky to be able to pursue my hobbies, my passions! Photography, motocross, scrapbooking...LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!! It was an amazing year at the mx track and I've finally got a championship title under my belt!WAAHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

So...Goodbye 2014!!! Thanks for the memories!!
Thank you to each of you for being a part in my life!
It definitely wouldn't be as fun and interesting without you!
I'm looking forward to sharing some laughter, love and adventure with you all in 2015!!

Now where did I put that piece of paper???